Our Business Network offers several resources for businesses and professionals who offer prodcts and services to business owners to
connect to that market
Custom Email Campaigns
We can create a custom email campaign and send it to 8,000 business owner inboxes. The emails can contain videos and live links to your web site and
email address.
Business Owner Monthly Magazine
You can feature yourself and your business with an advertisement, column of advice or feature profile article.
Financial & Retirement Strategies Conference for Business Owners
Present your business and your advice as one of our featured speakers at this conference about financial planning, investments, asset protection, tax
strategies, retirement planning and other financial topics of interest to business owners. This conference targets business owners that have substantial income.
Receive Referrals of Business Owners Who Are in the Market for Your Services
We operate a referral service to Business Owners to refer them to a business or professional for any need that they have. You can enroll to receive
referrals for the services that you offer.
Business Expo Event
Our group presents an educational event targeting business owners. They visit with booths from different businesses and professionals who offer products
and services to the business owner market. You can sign up to have a booth space and there are speaker slots available if you would also like a make a presentation to the